Prayer of Weaving
Reo Tauiwi
Prayer of Weaving
Let us weave a prayer of light
Let us weave a prayer of night
Let us weave a prayer of water
Let us weave a prayer of all that is blue
Let us weave a prayer of trees
Let us weave a prayer of all that is green
Let us weave a prayer of earth
Let us weave a prayer of all that is red
Let us weave a prayer of breathing
Let us weave a prayer of all that is air
Let us weave a prayer of gold
Let us weave a prayer of all that is Love
Let us weave a prayer of threads without ends or beginnings
Let us weave a prayer of connection
With, from, and to
The Ground of All Being.
Reo Maaori
Napehia he īnoi tūrama,
Napehia he īnoi põuriuri,
Napehia he īnoi ki te wai,
Napehia he īnoi kahurangi,
Napehia he īnoi nehenehe,
Napehia he īnoi pounamu,
Napehia he īnoi whenua,
Napehia he īnoi kura,
Napehia he īnoi whakangā,
Napehia he īnoi āngi,
Napehia he īnoi kõura,
Napehia he īnoi ki te puna aroha e kore e pau,
Napehia he īnoi ki te aho mutunga kore,
Napehia he īnoi hononga,
nā, nõ, ki te Papatūānuku o ngā mea katoa.
-naa Talia Ellison
Mihi Mutunga Kore
Teenei au ka mihi ki te
Ao Kaakaariki
Ao Kahurangi
Ao Whero
Ao Koowhai
Ao Maa
Ao Pango
Ao Aniwaniwa
Ao Kohatu
Ao Rakau
Ao Wai
Ao Haa
Ko te iti, ko te nui
ki te Ao kei runga, kei raro, kei mua, kei muri, kei waenganui e
Ki te Ao kei te tama waahine,kei te tama taane, kei te tai tokerau, kei te tai tonga
He mihi mutunga kore
Tihei mauri ora.