Raahui- A Walk In The Shadowlands
From the editor…
In 2020, as New Zealand faced its first lockdown during Covid 19, Tony Bridge gave life to 30 works, each a waiata combining words and pictures, and delivered them daily through social media. This book collates this body of work as a true collective respecting the skills and vision of his artistry across writing and photography.
It’s a snapshot of a time when our nation was confined to its own homes, thoughts, hopes and dreams. The singular difference being that Tony was prepared to dream in public, allowing us deeply personal access to his interpretation and response to lockdown. Each waiata was a beacon of connectivity, a selfless outreach to others in uncertain times, a promise that these challenges too, would pass.
The flames of these hopeful little signal fires warmed the hearts of all within sight of his beacons. Long may they continue to do so.
– Tim Steele